Port & Land Services
At Flisvos Marina we are always ready to welcome our guests and tend to their needs - quickly and efficiently.In addition, should a difficult circumstance or problem arise, there is always a gracious staff member on call who will expedite a solution.Welcoming and pampering our guests is our expertise. Our individualised customer-care service is at our clients’ disposal from the moment of arrival until the moment of departure.
As Greece’s leading mega-yacht marina, Flisvos Marina takes the Greek hospitality ideal known as philoxenia to another level, and always with a smile. :)
The port and land services of Flisvos Marina include the following:
As Greece’s leading mega-yacht marina, Flisvos Marina takes the Greek hospitality ideal known as philoxenia to another level, and always with a smile. :)
The port and land services of Flisvos Marina include the following:

Administrative Services
Reception - Customer Service
Cashier Concierge (car vehicle rental, guided tours, event organisation, catering, etc.)
Information on yachting: agents, brokers, chandlers, charterers, maintenance companies, official representatives, suppliers
Customs and Port Authority offices
Port Services
24/7 Port Surveillance
Mooring Assistance
24/7 Technical Support
Power Supply per berth (from 32 to 630 Amps)
Potable Water
Phone Connection
High-Speed Internet (ADSL-VDSL)
24/7 Security Services and Patrols
Fuel Station
Helicopter Landing Area
Cooperation with Certified Diving Companies
Sewage Collection Stations and Cooperation with Certified Collection Companies
Parking Spaces and Controlled Vehicle Entrance

Commerical Services
Cafés – Bars
Retail Shops
Offices (yacht agents, charterers, brokers, management companies; and banking)
Outdoor Children’s Playland
Floating Museum "Neraida"
General Services
Car Parking (Pricelist)
Car Parking for Persons with Disabilities
Restrooms for Persons with Disabilities
Baby Changing Room
First Aid Station
ATM (Automated Teller Machines)
Storage rooms
Car Battery Charge Stations
Pet Parking