Policy of LAMDA Flisvos Marina S.A. is to ensure and provide a healthy, appropriate and safe working environment for its employees and everyone affected by its activities and operation (customers, visitors, suppliers, contractors, partners, neighboring facilities, etc.).. LAMDA Flisvos Marina S.A. believes that through the effective management and the continuous improvement of the Health and Safety level in its activities and facilities, will minimize or even eliminate the potential risks of accidents and diseases, will strengthen the cooperation with all its employees in order to increase their efficiency and productivity. .

To achieve the above-mentioned goals, LAMDA Flisvos Marina S.A.is committed to:
Develop, install and implement an Occupational Health & Safety Management System according to ISO 45001: 2018 through which seeks to recognize all the existing and potential risks for the Occupational Health & Safety and to establish measures to eliminate, reduce or control them.
Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases.
Proper management of Occupational Health & Safety threats and opportunities.
Create a framework for setting goals for Occupational Health & Safety and evaluating their achievement and effectiveness.
Comply with the current legislation and other Occupational Health & Safety requirements applicable to its field of activity.
Reduce OH&S risks or/and eliminate work hazards where possible.
Continuously improve the Occupational Health & Safety Management System according to ISO 45001: 2018 and the performance in Occupational Health & Safety.
Support consultation mechanisms and employee’s participation from all levels of company's structure.
Ensure adequate internal and external communication on Occupational Health & Safety issues.
Provide adequate and continuous training /update to its employees through seminars and appropriate instructions / work procedures on general and specific issues of Occupational Health & Safety.
Provide the required resources for the smooth operation and the continuous improvement of the Occupational Health & Safety Management System according to ISO 45001: 2018.
Continuously monitor, document and evaluate Health & Safety and review this Policy in order to continuously improve the level of safety.

Policy of LAMDA Flisvos Marina S.A. is absolutely binding for its employees at all the levels of the organizational structure, as well as for each customer, visitor, contractor, external partner or supplier and in general for every interested party.